生物物理 + 工学




Single Amino Acid Drives LL-37 and HNP1 synergy: Unveiling Antimicrobial Peptide Interactions
69th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (Los Angeles, 2025.02.17)
Ariane Schwitter


Polydiacetylene sensor-based molecular identification enabled by hyperspectral imaging
Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International Conference(Paris, 2024)
Jiali Chen

Nanomolar Scale Peptide Identification on Polydiacetylene Sensors by Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
SCEJ 55th Autumn Meeting (Sapporo, 2024)
Jiali Chen

新分野開拓研究会2024「物質科学が拓く光情報センシング」 (2024.09.06, online)
Kaori Sugihara

抗菌性ペプチド・ダブル協奏効果を用いた新抗菌薬開発 (invited)
第75回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会(2024.09.17, Sendai)
Kaori Sugihara

The 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting (2024.09.18, Niigata)
Rei Tamaki

Effects of additives on Polydiacetylenes aiming the increase of its sensitivity.
The 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting (2024.09.16, Niigata)
Fabiano Altieri

Mechanochromic polydiacetylene: a breakthrough in bio- and force-sensors
The 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting (2024.09.19, Niigata)
Jianlu Zheng

脂質を用いたバイオテクノロジーの開発 (invited)
第一回高機能センサ研究会(2024.08.20, Tokyo)
Kaori Sugihara

脂質を⽤いたバイオテクノロジー (invited)
第129回食用加工油脂技術研究会(2024.06.28, Tokyo)
Kaori Sugihara

抗菌ペプチド協奏効果を用いた新薬の開発/国と分野を横断するキャリア形成 (invited)
生物物理若手の会北海道支部主催の「研究&キャリアセミナー」(2024.05.31, online)
Kaori Sugihara

JST創発自発的な融合の場 ~膜コミュニティ~ (2024.04.18, Hongo)
Kaori Sugihara

Mechanochromic polymer, polydiacetylene, for force-, bio-sensing applications (invited)
ENS-UTokyo Workshop (2024.03.24, Paris)
Kaori Sugihara

Hyperspectral imaging-based stimulus recognition patterns of polydiacetylene sensors
The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting (2024.03.25, Tokyo)
Jiali Chen

Unraveling the mechanochromism of PDA by dual friciton force/fluorescence microscopy
The 71st JSAP Spring Meeting (2024.03.24, Tokyo)
Jianlu Zheng

Lipid as a building material for biotechnologies (invited)
Macromolecular Science & Engineering Program Seminar (2024.02.15, Univ. Michigan, Ann Arbor)
Kaori Sugihara

Double cooperative effect between antimicrobial peptides
Biophysical Society 68th Annual Meeting (2024.02.13, Philadelphia)
Kaori Sugihara

Biotechnology based on self-assembled lipid structures(invited)
SNU-IIS Joint Workshop on Innovative Micro/Nano Systems (2024.02.02, IIS, Tokyo)
Kaori Sugihara

生体膜デザインコンファレンス(2024.01.31, Tokyo)
Kaori Sugihara


Lipid as a building material for biotechnologies(invited)
1st IBEN ChE ChemSysm & BioEng Workshop (2023.12.08, Taipei, Taiwan)
Kaori Sugihara

Lipid as a building material for biotechnologies(invited)
“Women and Future in Science” Seminar Series, RIKEN BDR (2023.12.04, Kobe, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

Investigation of the polydiacetylene mechanochromism via friction force microscopy combined with fluorescence microscopy 
2023 MRS Fall Meeting (11/26-12/1, 2023, Boston, US)
Jianlu Zheng

日本膜学会「第45年会」・「膜シンポジウム2023」合同大会(2023.11.20, Waseda, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

The mechanistic studies of double cooperative effect between antimicrobial peptides LL-37 and HNP1(invited)
The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (2023.11.16, Nagoya, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

Mechanism study of antimicrobial peptide synergistic effects of LL37 and HNP1
The 61st Annual Meeting of the  Biophysics Society of Japan (2023.11.14, Nagoya, Japan)
Yuge Hou

Development of biotechnology based on lipid self-assembly(invited)
SNU-IIS UTokyo Joint Workshop on Innovative Micro/Nano Systems (2023.11.3, Seoul, Korea)
Kaori Sugihara

Biotechnology based on self-assembled lipids(invited)
Group Seminar, Hanyang University (2023.11.02, Seoul, Korea)
Kaori Sugihara

日本化学会化学フェスタ2023 文科省科研費新学術領域研究「水圏機能材料」(2023.10.19, Funahori, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

バイオマイクロナノテク研究会(2023.09.27, IIS Komaba, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

文部科学省と国立大学附置研究所・センター 個別定例ランチミーティング(2023.07.14, online)
Kaori Sugihara

Quantitative detection of Force-Fluorescence correlation by self assembled nanostructers at Nanoscale
Royal Society of Chemistry, 16th International conference on materials chemistry (MC16), 3 – 6 July 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Bratati Das

Mechanochromic polymer for developing peptide functional assays (invited)
Tsinghua-UTokyo Joint Symposium on Chemical Engineering (2023.06.28, Hongo, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

第2回ナイスステップな研究者2022講演会 (2023.06.02, online)
Kaori Sugihara

フジシール財団 2023年度研究助成認定式 (2023.05.20, Osaka, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

Quantitative detection of Force-Fluorescence correlation of Soft layered materials at Nanoscale   
The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting (15th-18th Mar.2023, Tokyo, Japan)
Bratati Das

Unraveling the mechanochromism of polydiacetylene under liquid environment
化学工学会第88年会 (15th-17th Mar. 2023, Tokyo, Japan)
Jianlu Zheng


Lipid as a Building Material for Biotechnologies (invited)   
ナノ学会合同部会シンポジウム (2022.12.09, Hikone, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara 

Mechanism study of antimicrobial peptide synergistic effects at the molecular level by combining spectroscopy and electrochemical methods
MMC PhD Seminar (2022.11.15, IIS, Japan)
Yuge Hou

脂質からつくるバイオテクノロジーで健康な社会へ (invited)
サイエンスアゴラ 化学が拓くもしかする未来 (2022.10.20, online)
Kaori Sugihara        

脂質を使ったバイオエンジニアリング (invited)
東京都市大サロン(2022.10.03, 東京都市大学世田谷キャンパス)
Kaori Sugihara       

Mechanochromic biomembranes for studying peptide-lipid interactions (invited)
The 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (2022.09.30, Hakodate, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara       

Mechanism study of antimicrobial peptide synergistic effects at the molecular level by combining spectroscopy and electrochemical methods
The 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (2022.09.28, Hakodate, Japan)
Yuge Hou

脂質からバイオテクノロジーをつくる (invited)
第2回化学が拓くもしかする未来シンポジウム (2022.08.22, IIS)
Kaori Sugihara      

脂質を使ったバイオエンジニアリング (invited)
オムニバス模擬講義「工学とは何か II」 (2022.08.04, online)
Kaori Sugihara      

Antimicrobial peptide double cooperativity (invited)
IIS Vessel Club Seminar (2022.07.26, online)
Kaori Sugihara      

Mechanochromic Polymer-Based Biosensing (invited)
GRC Bioanalytical Sensors (2022.6.27, Newport RI, USA)
Kaori Sugihara      

Mechanochromic polymer for sensing forces in lipid bilayers (invited)
FEBS Advanced Course Biological Surfaces and Interfaces (2022.6.20, Sant Feliu, Spain)
Kaori Sugihara     

分野と国を旅するキャリアパス (invited)
第22回日本蛋白質科学学会年会 若手育成・男女共同参画合同ワークショップ (2022.06.06, 筑波)
Kaori Sugihara      

異種の抗菌ペプチド混合により発現する新機能を用いた抗菌薬開発 (invited)
JST創発融合の場 公開シンポジウム (2022.05.26, Hongo Campus)
Kaori Sugihara    

Lateral Black Lipid Membranes for Studying Peptide-Lipid Interactions (invited)
MRS Spring Meeting (2022.05.11, Hawaii, USA)
Kaori Sugihara     

第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (2022.03.24, online)
Seiko Jo

Development of a mask charger (invited)
Science × Design – Israel Month @UTokyo Komaba Research Campus – (2022.03.09, online)
Kaori Sugihara    

押すと発光するメカノクロミックポリマー (invited)
Inspire Talk (2022.02.02, online)
Kaori Sugihara 


Anisotropic mechanochromism of polydiacetylene at nanoscale
Pacifichem 2021 The Many Flavors of Mechanochemistry (2021.12.18, online)
Kaori Sugihara 

Lipid as a building material for biotechnologies (invited)
NTU ChE & UTokyo CSE Joint Symposium (2021.12.09, online)
Kaori Sugihara    

Antimicrobial peptide double cooperativity
第59回日本生物物理学会年会 (2021.11.26, online)
Kaori Sugihara    

第73回日本生物工学会大会 (2021.10.29, online)
Kaori Sugihara   

Nanofabrication based on biological materials (invited)
Third IIS – MESA+ Workshop (2021.10.26-27, online)
Kaori Sugihara 

Lipid as a building material for biotechnologies (invited)
MERIT seminar (2021.10.25, Tokyo)
Kaori Sugihara 

女子中高生のみなさん最先端の工学研究に触れてみよう!2021 (2021.10.04, online)
Kaori Sugihara 

化学工学会第52回秋季大会 (2021.09.22, online)
Kaori Sugihara 

第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (2021.09.10, online)
Kaori Sugihara

第10回⽇本⽣物物理学会関東⽀部会 (2021.03.03, online)
Kaori Sugihara

人工生体膜の創薬への応用 (invited)
エーザイ株式会社 筑波研究所 (2020.11.30, Tsukuba, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

強力な抗菌薬 開発に向けた 抗菌ペプチド・ コオペラティブ効果の原理解明 (invited)
Kanamori Foundation Prize Ceremony (2020.10.02, online)
Kaori Sugihara

The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting 2020 (2020.09.10, online)
Kaori Sugihara

製薬応用に向けたペプチドー生体膜間相互作用解析手法の開発 (invited)
Department of Chemical System Engineering, University of Tokyo (2020.05.28, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
Kaori Sugihara

Developing a fluorescence force probe: peptides interacting with polydiacetylene
26th Swiss Soft Days (6th of March 2020, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland)
Johann Nuck



Development of force-sensors based on mechanochromic polydiacetyelene
Single-Molecule Sensors and Nanosystems International Conference (2024.10.28, Paris)
Jianlu Zheng

The synergy of antimicrobial peptides pairs (LL-37/HNP-1) on mammalian cells
Biophysical Society 68th Annual Meeting (2024.02.14, Philadelphia)
Jing Zhang

The synergy of LL-37 with human defensins protects POPC bilayers from lysis
SDGs symposium 2024 – Planetary health for Sustainability: Towards transformative solutions for a Healthy Planet by SpringerNature & The University of Tokyo (2024.02.27, Tokyo)
Ariane M. Schwitter

The mechanism study of antimicrobial peptide synergistic effect of LL-37 and HNP1
Biophysical Society 68th Annual Meeting (2024.02.14, Philadelphia)
Yuge Hou

The synergy of LL-37 with human defensins protects POPC bilayers from lysis
Biophysical Society 68th Annual Meeting (2024.02.14, Philadelphia)
Ariane M. Schwitter

Unravel the mechanochromism of polydiacetylene by friction force microscopy combined with fluorescence microscopy
SNU-IIS Joint Workshop on Innovative Micro/Nano Systems (2024.02.02, IIS, Tokyo)
Jianlu Zheng


Stimuli Recognition by Polydiacetylene using Hyperspectral Microscopy
Materials Research Society (24th NoV.-1st Dec. 2023, Boston, USA)
Jiali Chen

The mammalian cell protective synergy of antimicrobial peptides LL-37 and HNP1
61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (14th-16th October 2023, Nagoya, Japan)
Ariane Schwitter

Unraveling the mechanochromism of polydiacetylene
IIS PhD Student Live 2023 (1st Aug. 2023, Tokyo, Japan)
Jianlu Zheng

The mammalian cell protective synergy of antimicrobial peptides LL-37 and HNP1
The 22nd Todai Symposium of Life Science (16th-17th Jun. 2023, Tokyo, Japan)
Ariane Schwitter

Structural mapping of Polydiacetylene by hyperspectral microscopy
化学工学会第88年会 (15th-17th Mar. 2023, Tokyo, Japan)
Jiali Chen

Polydiacetylene high-throughput assay for peptide screening

The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting (15th-18th Mar.2023, Tokyo, Japan)

Qingzhen Zhu



Mechanism study of antimicrobial peptide synergistic effects at the molecular level by combining spectroscopy and electrochemical methods
The 60th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (2022.09.29, Hakodate, Japan)
Yuge Hou

Development of biosensors based on mechanochromic polymers under liquid
10th AFM BioMed Conference (30th Aug.-2nd Sep. 2022, Nagoya-Okazaki, Japan)
Jianlu Zheng

Mechanism study of antimicrobial peptide synergistic effects at the molecular level by combining spectroscopy and electrochemical methods
21th University of Tokyo Life Science Symposium (2022.06.18, online)
Yuge Hou

化学工学会第87年会 (2022.03.16, online)
Seiko Jo

第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 (2021.09.22, online)
Seiko Jo

Mechanism of the inhibitory interference in human antimicrobial peptides.
64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (15th-19th February 2020, San Diego, USA)
E.Drab, K. Sugihara

How to visualise forces: Peptides interacting with a mechanosensitive polymer
“2020 International Symposium on Chemical Biology” organized by the NCCR (22th-24th January 2020, Geneva, Switzerland)
J. Nuck, K. Sugiha